Welcome to BonkersTV,
an online linear television streaming service owned by Bald and Bonkers Network LLC and operated through Strimm.com.
We want to provide transparency and clarity regarding the content and operations of BonkersTV. Please read the following information carefully:
1. **Ownership and Operation:** BonkersTV is owned by Bald and Bonkers Network LLC and is operated through Strimm.com.
2. **Content Mix:** The content shown on BonkersTV is a combination of Bald and Bonkers Network LLC original content and content for which non-exclusive, non-editorial streaming rights have been granted by various producers and content creators.
3. **Original Content Creator Information:** Each video on BonkersTV is embedded with information about the original content creator. This information is intended to direct traffic to the original content creator's webpages.
4. **Free Showcasing:** Content creators showcased on Bald and Bonkers Network LLC are featured on BonkersTV at no charge.
5. **Revenue Sharing:** While currently no money is made or paid to content creators shown on BonkersTV, future plans include revenue splits from advertising run on BonkersTV.
6. **Freedom for Content Creators:** Content creators and producers have the freedom to produce materials without supervision from Bald and Bonkers Network LLC, except for technical specifications to ensure compatibility with the software. This includes the ability to include their own advertisements.
7. **Content Streaming:** No content shown on BonkersTV is downloaded or uploaded to BonkersTV. Videos are simply connected and streamed using embedding options provided by the webpages where the content is originally hosted.
8. **Responsibility and Control:** Bald and Bonkers Network LLC does not take responsibility for the materials or control the content shown via materials produced by contributing content creators.
9. **Join BonkersTV:** If you are interested in joining BonkersTV as a content creator, you can send an application via this link: [Join BonkersTV](https://baldandbonkers.net/contact-us).
By using BonkersTV, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. For any inquiries or concerns, please contact us through our [contact page](https://baldandbonkers.net/contact-us). Thank you for being part of BonkersTV! ---